Big Science Makes the Future Weird Again

Big-Science-Seth-LangreckIf you’ve seen Metropolis or Blade Runner, and thought, “Why doesn’t the future look that cool,” you’re not alone. From flying car to interdimensional travel, the future had some big shoes to fill. In the end, we got iPhones instead of personal android butlers.

But, there’s good news for diehard sci-fi fans who want the future that never came. Duluth’s Big Science has developed its own sound of the future through experimental instruments and lush soundscapes. As member Tim Kaiser says, “We use super science to create cosmic outer space music from space.” In other words, Big Science sounds like the future has landed.

With members of area groups Bratwurst and If Thousands, the group takes audiences through the empty parts of space. Big Science doesn’t think in notes or scales; it thinks in sound, reminiscent of Cluster I and II and Harmonia. The group captures a moment when the future appeals to our fears and shows us how darkness radiants beauty.

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